• Overcome Fear, Exhaustion and Failure. Instead Achieve Balance, Joy and Sustainable Business Growth

    From burnout, frustration and chronic stress to success in business.

    Here is your science-backed plan.


  • How Did We Get Here?

    The Dark Secret of Entreprenurial Success.

    Me: Alan Furlong
    We've all been given the wrong 'success map'. What we were told was to strive relentlessly, to work without rest, to 'never quit', to burn ourselves hard in the relentless pursuit of success. It's dumb, dangerous, flies in the face of science and is guaranteed to fail. What is the point of having a sucessful business if you're tired, miserable and stressed all the time? I wish someone had shared this wisdom with me before I burned out badly 14 years ago.


    My name is Alan Furlong. Check me out here. As a Founder and Senior Leader of three businesses (six, seven and eight figure turnover) and burnout survivor, I've learned one golden rule the very hard way. Consistent, daily, high performance comes as a result of ensuring we look after ourselves first. Year after year I put everything on the line to build high income businesses and here's the terrible irony. When I did finally create that 'Golden Goose', after enduring chronic stress, burnout and exhaustion, it did not bring me the sense of peace and happiness I had strived for. It was bitterly disappointing and life changing at the same time. Peace, meaning, fufillment is found in the journey, it is never at the end of the rainbow. That's the myth we need to change.


    Growing a business takes creativity, courage and emotional intelligence, this is impossible when we're stressed, anxious and burned out. Fifteen years of scientific study, failure and success, marketing and sales mastery have resulted in this business. The Peaceful Entrepreneur. 


    Growing your business will never come at the expense of your wellbeing or relationships ever again, so lets talk and figure out how you become the wise, peacful, happy, successful entrepreneur you've always wanted to be.
  • Because you can never be successful if you can't build with balance

    Our Mission

    To help you achieve sustainable success whilst operating optimally every work day.

    Choose a starting point below 

  • One on One Support

    Are you out of balance? Book an introductory private session now.


    Offsite, no-tech immersions into the science of leading high-performing teams.

    Oasis Events

    Hand in all your tech, switch off, eat well and immerse yourself in peace with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs to learn how to 'flourish first' to allow you and your business to grow too.


  • What Others Have Said

    The impact of focusing on balancing personal growth and business growth

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    Bryan Charter

    Founder & CEO, SuSy House

    “Alan is not a simple domain expert, he’s instead a real entrepreneur with real battle scars and real experience of building start ups and scaling businesses quickly. In short he’s the real deal. But, he also burned out in the past, cares deeply about businesses succeeding AND owners thriving at the same time. That’s a rare combination in my experience”

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    Ryan Falconer

    Founder, Seedboost

    "Alan helped me uncover the growth opportunities in my software design consultancy. Learning from someone who has been a successful entrepreneur, sales expert and Head of Growth was incredibly insightful and helpful. Through Alan’s coaching and advice I was able to find clarity, overcome my fears and execute against a strategy for personal and business growth. I would highly recommend The Peaceful Entrepreneur."

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    Tom Sedge

    Founder, The Work Whsiperer

    "Alan has a wealth of experience and knowledge which he uses to understand not just my business, but also me. There aren't many people who have truly been there and done it like him and who can admit their mistakes and know what they learned. Al has both honesty and a super-strong health and wellbeing ethic that shines through his work. Al's advice and coaching have been invaluable. My business literally wouldn't exist today without him."

  • A Little Bit Of Help

    Watch, listen, learn. Just a tiny fraction of the support I've shared over the last 17 years.

    What Makes Us Tick?

    Here is a definitive capture of the key areas of science that focus on what makes human beings thrive. Why should you care? If you don't have these aspects of thriving handled you health suffers, your productivity suffers, your relationships suffer, your teams suffer, your decision making, courage, resilience (the list goes on) all suffer.

    Take a few minutes out of your day to learn the EMPOWERS model of thriving.

    Distraction Addiction

    You may not think this video applies to you, think again. One of the great contributors to increasing stress levels is the constant noise from email, instant messaging, Slack, our phones, text's and more. We believe we can multi-task but the neuroscientists have proven definitively that this belief is a complete myth. We simply switch task quickly and unintentionally sky-rocket our stress levels. This is a short excerpt of a live training event.

    Stuck In Your Life?

    Every founder, entrepreneur and senior leader hits a wall at some point. It's inevitable, no matter how successful you become. This short set of questions helps you to reassess and reset your compass. If you're struggling right now, this short video will help.

  • An Entrepreneur Just Like You

    • I've grown my first company from zero to $40,000 per month net profit in just 24 months, working just 6 hours per week.
    • Built my second business from zero to a seven figure sales price in 18 months.
    • Took a 29 person training business, built a sales team and turned it into a £28 million turnover business in just two years.
    • Ran a software engineering business and in 1 year, in the middle of a war, grew it from $7 million to $10 million in revenue. With no dedicated sales team.
    • I've shared the stage with the likes of Richard Branson, Time Ferriss and Randi Zuckerberg (sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg).
    • I burned out back in 2010. Studied relentlessly and applied, positive psychology, neuroscience and social physics to build high, sustained performance for myself and my teams

    Presently advise Tech start ups to accelerate growth.

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    With decades of stage experience as a facillitator, keynote speaker, trainer and seminar leader.

    If you're looking for an engaging, hilarious, thought-provoking speaker for your next event. Drop me a line